Saturday, October 15, 2005

pootaa maataa kee aasees.

I was never like this before. People lookup and ask me what caused the change in me.

I would only say that it is the blessings of my parents that has brought me here. It is the blessings that is making me walk this path. Blessings that will take me a long way. I know there is no way to pay it all back to them..but I can surely pray for them. For me this is my prayer for them.. this is my way of telling waheguru ji, please take of my parents. Please be with them all the time, as they be with me like my shadow.

We are not born in this world to correct people and that is where we go wrong. Emotions take over our mind. That is the beginning of the end. Something that you dont want to start ever in life. As for me.. I have come very far with this.. I'm rewinding now and going back, to start from Zero.

As far as todays kirtan is concerned.. I would point you to Angads blog. He done a good job of capturing todays Asa di Var.. After the Asa di var we sat down for sometime with Amardeep ji and had some knowledge sharing session. That is also mentioned there.

Hope you all enjoy reading it.. Thankx Angad for posting everything..


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